Welcome to the Mississippi State University Voice Area! We are passionate about providing the best educational experience for our students and preparing them for professional careers in music.

Performance Opportunities
We offer a wide variety of vocal performance opportunities including:
- MS State Opera
- State Singers (SATB)
- Cantaré (SATB)
- Schola Cantorum (SSAA)
- OPUS (One People United in Song) (TTBB)
- Starkville-Mississippi State University Symphony Chorus
- TrebullDawgs A Cappella
- Black Voices Gospel Choir
For information on voice audition dates and procedures, please click here.
If you have any other questions please contact the interim area chair, Dr. Jeanette Fontaine at jfontaine@colled.msstate.edu or call at (205) 394-8820.
Opera and choral scholarships are available!
For information regarding opera scholarships, please contact: Dr. Roza Tulyaganova at rozat@colled.msstate.edu
For information regarding choral scholarships, please contact: Danielle Gaudé at dgaude@colled.msstate.edu